Figurative Language Review Crazy Fun Day!

Today, we are reviewing old figurative language and having some fun adding new words or words we’ve touched on only once or twice this year. Don’t be afraid to use your notes, your brain, and/or any other resources you might have or can find online. Click the following links, when prompted, to take you to the resources that you will need:

Quizlet Flash Cards
Make sure to click on ‘definition’ on the right hand side

Flocabuary Video
-Use with your chart and to prepare for the mini-quiz!

Learner’s Dictionary
-To help with little things you’re missing

Idiom Quiz
-To practice with some common idioms — quiz a friend or check your own knowledge

Don’t forget to demonstrate maturity and cooperation today, as those are two things I’m looking for in an exploratory learning experience (a day in which you do most of the teaching as well as the learning). I can’t wait to have our super awesome fun figurative language review day!!!

The End of Unit 5

As unit 5 winds down and we approach the final hours of the unit, I want to express some of my feelings and encourage you all to respond. First, I’d like to say that I know that this unit has been challenging. We have been analyzing art and poetry for their larger themes, or messages about life, and that is not an easy concept. I have thoroughly enjoyed this exploration with you, and I hope that you have also enjoyed reading some of the more challenging poetry, and have enjoyed exploring the artists that you chose to research. I look forward to hearing all of your presentations on Monday.

I hope that this unit has encouraged you to consider art and poetry in a new way, and has offered you an opportunity to explore and learn about some things that you have not explored before. Please comment on this post with things you liked or did not like about this unit. For extra credit, use at least two vocab words or discuss one skill in your response.

For review:

     Unit skills:

-I CAN identify and analyze features of art and poetry
-I CAN connect an artist’s life to their work
-I CAN analyze themes
-I CAN annotate poems to discover the hidden meanings

     Unit vocabulary:

-point of view


Hey all,

It being almost Valentine’s Day, tomorrow’s theme will be sonnets (love poems) and love songs! I can’t wait to read all of your love poems ❤

Just some quick reminders about your sonnets:

-They should have one of the two following rhyme schemes – abab cdcd efef gg or abba abba cde cde.-They should have at least one metaphor, one simile, and either a personification or a hyperbole.
-They don’t have to be typed, but be prepared to decorate them, edit them, and make them look nice tomorrow.

Check out this video or this website for more information on rhyme scheme!

Writing a Body Paragraph

Hey all! I hope the writing is coming along well this evening. I just wanted to send out a quick update about the assignment and some tips for writing a body paragraph.

As we all know, this essay explores the writing of one poet and two of her/his poems. You have researched all of your sources and are ready to start writing (or finish writing). The most important thing to remember is to BE SPECIFIC. Here are some quick tips for how to do that:

  • do not say ‘the poem’ or ‘she/he’ unless you have already used the name of the poem/writer at least once
  • give a generalization in your topic sentence (tell briefly what it is that you are trying to prove — the work is autobiographical because ___)
  • give specific examples and quotes from the poem to support your ideas in your supporting sentences
  • ALWAYS explain those quotes
  • read through your paragraph at least twice (out loud), and ask someone else to read it for you. If the other person has to ask questions, make sure to answer those questions in the paragraph
  • assume your reader is an idiot who knows nothing about the poem, the poet, or much of anything. Explain yourself ALWAYS.

Don’t forget a topic sentence and concluding sentence. Here is my sample for you to use as a template. The topic and supporting sentences are bolded. I hope you enjoy this exploration of writing and reading!

“Sommer Browning’s poem “Sideshow” incorporates a lot of elements from growing up in Venice Beach, California. The poem is about the carnival sideshow that the narrator is going to see. In the poem, the narrator talks about “The Snake Man,” “Electra,” and “The Smallest Woman In the World,” which are all capitalized. This tells me that they are likely acts from a carnival sideshow. The narrator’s experience is about the difficulty of growing up. She knows that “The Snake Man/was a sham,” but meets The Smallest Woman In The World and is disappointed when she is a normal person. This shows that the narrator knows some things but is still disillusioned like a child. Sommer Browning grew up in Venice Beach, California, and loved carnivals and sideshows. This poem reflects experiences she has had because she grew up in a place with lots of carnivals and was “very interested in the concept of the sideshow freak.” She had a deep interest in this because she never felt normal herself, and discovered that no one is really all that normal. Sommer Browning’s poem is autobiographical because it reflects her childhood in Venice Beach.”