7th and 8th period Narrative Evaluation Assignment

Hey all,

Just a quick reminder that tonight, I’d like 7th and 8th period to prepare their narrative draft, along with at least one question they’d like their classmates to answer. For example, my narrative lacks a strong introduction. I might ask my readers to make suggestions about how/where to start. Consider what you need help/work with!

I can’t wait to workshop 🙂

For 1st and 2nd period, you should finish reading “Marigolds.” Be ready to discuss the themes, what the author is saying about adulthood, your opinion of the story, and to compare it to “The Whistle.”

4th and 5th period will be working on our debate research. Bring your MLA citation guide, as well!!

I have enjoyed so much talking about growing up and adulthood with you all. I know that this is a very challenging concept, but the purpose of language arts and discussion is to get new ideas from texts and from our classmates.

Grammar Resources

Hey all!

I just thought I’d give you guys a couple of grammar resources to help out with tonight’s homework. No matter what stage you’re on, these should prove useful:

For verbals, check out this article with helpful links.

Here is a weird guy in a really interesting video about how to use prepositional phrases when reading and writing.

This website has some good links about subjects and predicates, and you can also use it to preview objects and complements!

Happy Grammar Tuesday, everyone!


Hey all!

Sometimes during this unit/year, I may like to share PDF files with you. Here’s the fancy shmancy new way to do it! I will be uploading them to my “PDFs” page on my blog, which can be accessed through this link:


Don’t forget to download/print “Marigolds” for tomorrow (7th and 8th per) or Monday 12/8 (1st and 2nd per). Take a sneak peek if you want to see what we’re going to be reading and to prepare for it!!